About Us 關於PurnaSpirit
*承襲希瓦難陀瑜珈的無我與大愛的教學理念,希瓦難陀瑜珈是由印度瑜珈大師Swami Sivananda所創立。並由他的弟子Swami Vishnu-Devananda傳至西方。從1961年至今,希瓦難陀瑜珈已經聲名遠播國際,並在世界各國設有分校。希瓦難陀瑜珈是瑜珈體系裡最完整的學習體系之一,它沿襲印度哈達瑜珈(Hatha Yoga)的傳統精隨與傳承勝王瑜珈(Raja Yoga)的精神,開啟瑜珈修習者一個深入瑜珈智慧的大門,更是瑜珈學習者爭相模仿與學習的系統之一。
◎承襲艾楊格瑜珈的自我嚴謹練習精神,艾楊格瑜珈為印度現代瑜珈大師阿養格(B.K.S Iyengar)於1975年所創立,他的瑜珈箴言:「身體是我的廟宇,而瑜珈是我的虔誠信仰。」在他實踐身體力行的教導理念裡,融合了古典瑜珈經典(Patanjalin Yoga Sutras)八支瑜珈的精隨,透過體位法的練習,讓練習者經由超越身體限制達到心靈的昇華與精神的超意識最高境界。
Purna Spirit is fouded in India 2012 by the Yoga instructor, Purna from Taiwan.Bascially,she obsess as a qualified Yoga instructor and Yoga therapist, Reiki healer, Sound healing therapist.
"Purna" in Sankrit word means complete; whole;infinite;full or integration which comes from ancient Indian yoga wisdom text "Isha Upanishad". On the vast meaning is complete explanation of the nature&reality and the entire wisdom of the path of self-realization.
The Spirit of Purna Yoga is to share wisdom of yoga& Ayurveda; enhance overall well- being through yoga practice, Ayurveda purification& energy healing.
PurnaSpirit follows the ancient Ayurveda& yoga teaching; such as Pradipika hatha yoga & Patanjalin Raja yoga; Kriya yoga; as well as modern yoga practice, such as: Iyengar yoga& scientific yoga therapy. Most importantly, we share the wisdom of ancient practice&modern yoga therapy & healing technique into our teaching program, to enhance overall well-being for any inquiries.